Personal Graduation Plans-PGP
Welcome to your student's personal Graduation Plan! The counseling team will be working with you and your student to develop a personal graduation plan. Our hope is that we can streamline this process and allow you and your student to have a conversation over the PGP prior to your scheduled meeting date. During your meeting, you will have to opportunity to ask questions and be certain that you are completing a pathway in high school. You will need to print the PGP, consult the CTE pathway document (link below) fill it out, and have your student bring the PGP to the meeting so that we may send them to the MHS counseling staff. Do not worry, these PGPs can be modified in high school with the assistance of your high school counselor. Below, you will find the information needed to complete your PGP as well as links to the materials. On the day of the meeting, during your scheduled time, please use the TEAMS link provided to you and please stay in the lobby and wait if you are not immediately let in the meeting. We may be with another family and will be with you as soon as possible.
We look forward to partnering with you in this process and will see you at your scheduled time.
As the spring semester is underway, and going rather quickly I must say, we are starting the process to prepare our Bobcats to become Panthers or Jaguars.
Your student should have already selected the courses they will be taking in their 9th grade year, and now it’s time to create their Personalized Graduation Plan, or PGP, that will encompass all four years.
The requirements for graduation must include the following:
4 credits in English
4 credits in Math
4 credits in Social Studies
4 credits in Science
2 credits of the same World Language
1 credit of a Fine Art
1 credit of a PE
4 credits in an Endorsement Pathway
2+ credits of Electives